5411 Western Avenue • 5310 43rd Street | NW Washington, DC 20015 | p: 202.244.5115 | f: 202.244.5116 | contactus@friendshipchildren.org


Welcome to the Ocean (Toddler Class)

(13-24 months)

As young toddlers, the main goals of the Jellyfish are to gain independence, develop a better sense of self, and prepare for their future classroom experiences. This classroom will serve as a bridge from a less structured environment for infants to the more structured toddler and preschool classes. Children will sit at a table together for daily lessons and activities as well as meals. The classroom provides learning stations for exploring various activities. Children will be allowed to pick their own station to foster a sense of independence while increasing their appreciation for the structure of their surroundings. From their arrival and separation from parents, to diapering and mealtimes, as well as napping and getting dressed, the Jellyfish are developing skills to help them not only feel comfortable in the classroom but also gain the ability to complete tasks on their own.

The days of the young toddlers will be filled with playing with toys, dabbling in art, imitating and pretending, listening to stories and books, exploring the senses through sand and water activities , enjoying music and movement, and outdoor activities. To draw on the children’s evolving skills, exposure to these various learning experiences gives each child unique opportunities to grow and learn.